Closest bus stops:
During the day, the closest buses to our venue are the 276, 488 and 339. For night travel, the N26 is available from Wick Road.
Closest train station:
Hackney Wick overground station is located just outside of Queens yards, where we are situated. The station is fully accessible, having a lift available.
Weekday earliest and latest trains respectively are:EASTBOUND TO STRATFORD - 6:18 and 00:01
Weekend earliest and latest trains respectively are:
Saturday - 6:27 and 00:03
Saturday - 5:45 and 00:17
Sunday - 9:03 and 23:06Further information on train times can be found here.
There is no parking available in Queen’s Yard. If you are coming by car, check the parking bay signs as most allow you to park after 20:00.
Enter our post code (E9 5EN) on Parkopedia for the most accurate information pertaining to parking in the surrounding area at the time of your visit. -
Taxi collection points are located on both entrances to White Post Lane.
If your phone has run out of battery, portable chargers are available in the venue.
Our venue has multiple spaces: The Factory (ground floor), The Garden (ground floor) and The Mezz (first floor).
The Factory
The 700-cap main room is fully accessible and step-free.
The Mezz
The 300-cap second room is accessible by a 15-step staircase.The Garden
The 300-cap outdoor garden space has step-free access until the bar. Please bear in mind the ground can be uneven and surfaces do vary (including a tiered decking area and astro turf). If needed, temporary ramps are available upon request.
The Terrace
The outdoor Terrace, located outside the front of the venue, is accessible by 18 and 20-step staircases.
The Yard
The Yard, located on ground level at the front of the venue, is on a raised deck. If needed, temporary ramps are available upon request.You can email info@colourfactory for information regarding which spaces are to be used for any specific event.
Yes, we run an access scheme that allows people with disabilities and/or long-term medical condition to bring their personal assistant or support worker in for free.
Please email us at so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
We have seating and tables available in The Garden, Yard and Terrace.
The Mezzanine also has seating areas available. The main room has no dedicated seating available as it is used as a multifunctional space.If you have any seating requirements please contact us in advance at, otherwise, you can speak with a member of our team.
We have a dedicated Medic and Welfare Room located to the right of The Factory entrance.
Some specific events may have welfare rooms in other areas and will be advertised as such by the promoter. -
All of our toilets are gender- neutral. We also have an accessible toilet located between the garden and main space. To gain access, you must use a RADAR Key, which is part of the National Key Scheme.
If you do not have one, please alert a member of staff upon arrival. -
Our bars inside (The Factory and The Mezz) and in The Garden use dim lighting. For events inside, the smoke machine may be used which can make it harder visually to see. Lighting colour and positions can change or move within the space during events.
There are particular events where strobe lighting is used, and this will be displayed on our entrance door upon entry into the venue but you can contact us at for information regarding an specific event.
The Yard and Terrace play medium sound levels of music from the afternoon, evening and into the night. If there is an event in The Garden the sound levels can be medium/ loud during the day and low at night. The Factory and The Mezz play loud music during events.
All our bars has free disposable earplugs. Just ask one of our staff and they’ll be able to provide you with a pair.
Colour Factory host events catering to different communities, and as such, reserve the right to refuse entry if an individual is deemed unsuitable for the event in question. Please bear this in mind when purchasing your tickets.
Age Policy
Late-night events at Colour Factory are +18.
ID Checks
For all of our events, unless stated otherwise require physical photo ID. ID scanners are also in operation.We comply with our obligations under the Equality Act 2010, and commit to encouraging diversity and responding to complaints and grievances appropriately.
Purchasing a ticket in advance does not guarantee entry. Our door staff and security reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone visibly intoxicated or deemed unsuitable for the event in question.
Please note our door policy is very strict.
Last entry is 1:30 AM for 4:00 AM curfews and 2:30 AM for 5:00/6:00 AM curfews.
No, sorry. All exits are final so make sure you bring all that you need for the whole night.
Search Policy
We operate a thorough search procedure, and is a requirement to gain entry to the venue. All safety checks are conducted for your own safety and others. All bags will be searched on the door for any event and for all late night events security (as well as other day time events) we will also conduct full body searches.
Prohibited Items
Liquids, aerosols, food and chewing gum are not allowed to be brought into the venue. If you have specific medical or dietary requirements that require this, please email us beforehand to discuss this further. We reserve the right to refuse entry with items that may pose a danger to yourself or others (legal or illegal).
Prescribed Medication
Medical prescription will be checked through on the door by security. To gain entry with this, please bring it in its original packaging alongside the prescription. Failure to do this may result in this being seized and not given back. Staff may also hold medication, and can be used as needed throughout the event if deemed necessary. If you require any further information about medication you plan to bring to an event, please email us. Any prescription not taken back at the end of the event will be disopsed off.
As a venue we do not have a dress code, but self expression is highly encouraged. There will be certain late-night events where business attire or fancy dress are not appropriate - we recommend you do your research on the events we host or email us at for more information.
The majority of our events will have a cloakroom but there can be exceptions. The price is £4 per item when in operation.
We have four food traders (Burger and Chop, Pittagoras, Hogless Roast and Matteo’s) located on site. To order, scan the QR codes found on tables and around the venue to access the Goodeats/Deliveroo.
Card payment is only accepted online via those websites.
Please send any lost property queries to The auto-reply will have information regarding the lost property collection workshops we hold on Mondays between 17:00 - 18:00.
Please note that found items are retained for fourteen days only, after which they will be given to charity.
Photo policy varies for different artists and is usually not determined until the day of show. You can bring a non-professional camera to most shows, and you can enquire about the photo policy at the door.
Awesome! We love hearing from you.
Please email with all relevant information regarding your event.